「新しい生活スタイル」の実践をお願いします!(Let us adapt to the new normal!)
「新しい生活スタイル」の実践をお願いします!(Let us adapt to the new normal!)
The City of Kyoto has taken preventive measures against COVID-19 for long, and it now promotes the new normal to prevent the spread of COVID-19 assigning the prevention as the top priority while conducting social and economic activities.
In order for residents in Kyoto to live without worries and for visitors to fully enjoy Kyoto, please adapt to the new normal.
京都市民のみなさまへ (To the Residents in Kyoto City)
○ 人との間隔はできるだけ空けましょう (Keep a distance from others.)
→ できるだけ2m(最低1m)
→Maintain 2 meters or at least 1 meter distance from others, if possible.
○ 症状がなくてもマスクの着用を!(Wear a face mask even if you have no symptoms.)
→ 外出時,屋内にいるときや会話をするときはマスクをしましょう!(熱中症にご注意を!)
→Wear a face mask both indoors and outdoors, especially when you talk with someone. (Be careful of heatstroke!)
○ 感染しない,うつさない取組を (Be sure not to receive or transmit the virus.)
→ 帰宅後は,手と顔を洗いましょう。手洗いは30秒かけて,水と石けんで丁寧に!
→Wash your hands and face when you return home. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for 30 seconds.
○ 「ENJOY in KYOTO」 ~京都の魅力を再発見!~ (Enjoy yourself in Kyoto and rediscover the charms of Kyoto.)
→ 京都の文化,自然,歴史,おいしい料理を楽しむ絶好の機会!(「地元応援!京都で食べよう,泊まろうキャンペーン」開始)
→It has turned out to be a great chance to enjoy the culture, nature, history and delicacies of Kyoto . A new campaign called “Let’s support local businesses!” has started to encourage Kyoto residents to eat out, use various services offered at accommodation facilities and stay a night at those facilities in Kyoto.
→Please use the “Kyoto City Notification Service of COVID-19 Positive Cases.”
公共交通機関を利用するときは・・・ (When you use public transport:)
○ 利用の際はマスクの着用を!(Please wear a face mask.)
○ 車内・ホームでの会話はなるべく控えめに!(Refrain from talking as much as possible on trains or platforms.)
○ なるべく間隔をあけてご利用を!(Maintain a distance from one another.)
○ 徒歩や自転車利用も併用しましょう!(Please walk or ride a bicycle in place of public transport, if possible.)
事業者のみなさまへ(働き方の新しいスタイルの実践) (To those who run businesses (Adopting a new working style))
○ テレワーク(在宅勤務)やテレビ会議の活用を! (Encourage telecommuting (working from home) and online meetings. )
○ 時差出勤,ローテーション勤務を活用し,通勤時の人との接触を減らしましょう(Adopt staggered working hours and shiftwork to reduce close contacts among commuters. )
○ 対面での打合せは換気とマスクを! (Ventilate rooms and wear masks when having in-person meetings. )
→ 間隔を空ける,換気をする,ドアノブ等の消毒を忘れずに!
→Maintain a distance from one another, ventilate a room and disinfect door handles, etc.
○ 従業員の健康に注意し,体調の悪い従業員は,自宅待機や医療機関への相談の徹底を!(Pay attention to your employees’ health. If your employee is not well, urge the person to stay at home or have a consultation at a medical institution. )
観光や飲食業等に携わるみなさまへ (To those who work in the tourism and the restaurant business, etc.)
○ 安心して訪れることができる万全な感染対策を!(京都市ではアドバイザーチームも設置)
(Take preventive measures thoroughly to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 so that customers can visit without worries. (The City of Kyoto has established an advisory team of officials to support restaurants, accommodation facilities, etc.) )
→Disinfect frequently touched surfaces and equipment, enforce social distancing, and install plastic curtains or acrylic screens where people meet face to face. (Please prevent a plastic curtain from catching fire.)
○ 「京都市新型コロナあんしん追跡サービス」をご利用ください(Please use the “Kyoto City Notification Service of COVID-19 Positive Cases.”)
→ 京都市内の店舗,集客施設等(業種,規模は問いません)
→The service is available at shops and facilities located in Kyoto City regardless of type or size. It is also available for events that are temporarily held in the city.
京都を愛するみなさまへ (To those who love Kyoto)
○ 安心安全のため,感染対策に取り組んでいます(体調が悪いときは,外出を控えましょう!)
(The City of Kyoto has implemented preventive measures for your safety and security. )
○ 手洗い,マスク着用など,感染予防マナーを守りましょう!(Please adhere to COVID-19 preventive measures such as washing hands and wearing a face mask. Please stay at home when feeling ill.)
○ 3密を避けて,快適に京都観光をお楽しみください(Avoid the “Three Cs” (Closed spaces, Crowded places and Close-contact settings) and enjoy your travel in Kyoto.)
○ 「京都市新型コロナあんしん追跡サービス」をご利用ください(Please use the “Kyoto City Notification Service of COVID-19 Positive Cases.”)
新しい生活スタイルの実践のお願い (Request to adapt to the new normal.)
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「新しい生活スタイル」の実践にあたっては,熱中症にも注意しましょう。 (Be careful of heatstroke while adapting to the new normal. )
The elderly people, children, those who have disabilities are at most risk of developing heatstroke; therefore, please give special attention to them. Also, please help them to avoid the “Three Cs” (Closed spaces, Crowded places and Close-contact settings) and keep them safe from heatstroke.
- 熱中症に注意しましょう!!
⾶沫感染防⽌⽤のシートによる⽕災に注意︕(Be careful of a protection screen not to catch fire!)
Most protection screens available in public are made of flammable materials, so that they can easily burn out once they catch fire. If you plan to replace the protection screens you have installed temporarily with new ones or professional ones, please contact the nearest fire station.京都市新型コロナあんしん追跡サービス (Kyoto City Notification Service of COVID-19 Positive Cases)
The “Kyoto City Notification Service of COVID-19 Positive Cases” is a system to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by sending a notification message to people who visited the same facility in the case where someone is tested positive for COVID-19.
【厚生労働省】新型コロナウイルス接触確認アプリ(COCOA)(【Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare】COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application)
The app alerts users when you may have been in close proximity to someone tested positive for COVID-19(by using "Bluetooth"), and the app does not collect any personal information(your privacy is well protected).
Please use this app together with "Kyoto City Notification Service of COVID-19 Positive Cases".
京都市 行財政局防災危機管理室