

Concerning the use of Minpaku Accommodations as well as the offering of Minpaku Services



Concerning the use of Minpaku Accommodations as well as the offering of Minpaku Services

For Persons Using Minpaku Accommodations

Currently the number of websites and intermediary sites offering accommodations in places, such as vacant residences and vacant rooms within apartment complexes, hereafter referred to as minpaku are increasing.


Persons that receive any form of monetary compensation for providing accommodations, even for accommodations that are a part of a private residence, are subject to Article 3 of the Hotel and Ryokan Management Law, and must have permission from the city to offer services.


For guests staying within Kyoto, for your safety, peace of mind, and for genuine hospitality, please stay at a licensed accommodation.


Again to guarantee your safety, peace of mind, and to make sure your trip to Kyoto is as enjoyable as possible, please confirm before booking your accommodations that the facility you plan to use is licensed.


Furthermore, Kyoto City is publishing a list of facilities that have obtained permission from the city to provide accommodations, based on Article 3 of the Hotel and Ryokan Management Law.

List of Accommodations which have received permission from Kyoto City based on the Hotel and Ryokan Management Law(30 September 2024)

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For Persons Offering Minpaku Accommodations Services

The offering of minpaku accommodations is still being widely debated based on national regulations, as for Kyoto City it is illegal to offer accommodations services without first obtaining permission based on the Hotel and Ryokan Management Law.


Once your facility passes evaluations based first on the Fire Services Act, Building Standards Act and other related laws, you will be evaluated based on the Hotel and Ryokan Management Law, before receiving permission to begin operations.


Please remember that persons, who violate the Hotel and Ryokan Management Law, will be punished.


保健福祉局 医療衛生推進室 医療衛生センター 旅館業審査担当
電話: 075-746-7209 ファックス: 075-251-7235
