





To: All International students for their Initial Registration as Resident 【はじめてのじゅうみんとうろく】



We appreciate your cooperation to reduce crowdedness at the ward office counter.

  • The ward office is most crowded around the end and the beginning of the fiscal and academic year when many requests are submitted in relation to the address change.
  • The counter is most crowded on Monday in the week.
  • Any request submitted 12:00-14:00 takes more time due to the clerks’ work shifts at the counter.
  • Depending on the time or the day, the process of any multiple requests such as for additionally registering National Health Insurance coverage(国民健康保険), etc., may not be completed within the same day and might require additional process on the following days.
  • The counter is less crowded on rainy days.
  • The updated state of the counter crowdedness of the day is accessible with 2D code on the right.

March 2024

April 2024

Tips for shortning the wating time.

  • In case a group of approximately 15 or more persons makes an appointment latest 3 business days  prior to its visit to the ward office, the group will be received in a different room where their requests will be handled separately from others.(If the group could submit requests by 11 a.m., the necessary data input will be finished, and the documents will be returned by 4 p.m. on the same day. The representative of the group could  also be notified by phone when the process is completed, which could let the group utilize their time effectively without waiting in the crowded ward office for a long time. )
2D code for advance appointment for a group

2D code for advance appointment for a group (https://sc.city.kyoto.lg.jp/multiform/multiform.php?form_id=7885)
Expiry Date: Apr. 19 2024

  • When any individual international student wishes to register his/her residence (住民登録)with the  ward office, please refer to the “Sample on Notification of Address Change(異動届)” on the reverse side, fill in all indicated red-framed columns on the form, and go to No. 3 counter on the 1st floor of Sakyo Ward Office with his/her Residence Card(在留カード) (or his/her passport with the stamp stating, “Residence Card to be issued later.”
  • Those who need a certified copy of Resident Record (住民票) to open a bank account or to enter a  cellular phone contract could use the form on the reverse side, the Application for a Certified Copy of Resident Record in English version.
  • If you are to apply for “National Pension Contribution Special Payment System for Students (国民年金保険料の学生納付特例制度),“ you need to present either your Student ID Card(学生証) or your Certificate of Enrollment(在学証明書).  Note: The application can not be made before the actual start of the school.

Published in Feb. 2024. Issued by Kyoto city. No.054922

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Citizen Service Section, Community Service Dept., Sakyo Ward Office, City of Kyoto
Contact:TEL 075-702-1059 FAX 075-702-1305 e-mail: [email protected]